Capital project focus

GCDA are a project driven development association targeting the successful delivery of key objectives identified by Glenbarr’s community and managed through planning and delivery by the GCDA’s delivery structure.

Community driven

At the centre of all our operations is the Glenbarr community. Through robust consultation events, GCDA take on board needs, wants and must haves to allow us to move forward with clear vision and direction.


At the core of GCDA’s mission is self-managed project planning, management, and delivery. With two project development managers on our four-person executive team, we are well placed to push forward with measureable results.

Project delivery structure

To bolster GCDA project delivery, we have established a structured framework to foster progress and encourage community involvement.

GCDA Management Board

Elected by the GCDA membership, typically residents of the Glenbarr catchment area, the GCDA board are in place to represent the electorate to provide governance as well as appropriate strategic direction for GCDA.

GCDA Executive Team

The executive team, appointed by the GCDA board, is a dynamic and experienced team tasked with strategic leadership, project development, financial management, communications, and administration. Comprising both part-time and full-time members, the executive team is responsible for driving progress for GCDA and its projects, managing contractors, and reporting progress to the board.

Community Working Groups

To cultivate a robust collaborative approach between GCDA activities and our community, each programme area will feature a community working group overseen by the executive team. This setup enables passionate community members or co-opted specialists to directly participate in project direction, progress, and delivery.

Local Organisations & Partners

On the scale of our projects, GCDA will naturally collaborate and partner with various local and national authorities, organisations, and initiatives to facilitate delivery across all our projects.

Glenbarr Community Hub

Our flagship project will provide a versatile community space, offering modern event and social areas to the wider public.

Vitally, this initiative is also expected to create revenue-generating opportunities for GCDA, ensuring long-term operational sustainability.

Currently in the early project planning phase, we anticipate completion no earlier than 2029.

Core targets

  • Establish multifunctional amenities
  • Provide financial sustainability
  • Encourage social enterprise

Dal an Duie

The glen to the south of the village is an area of outstanding natural beauty. Within the heart of this space is the Dal an Duie field, acquired by GCDA in early 2024.

Following community consultations in September 2023, where the need for accessible outdoor space was highlighted, we have a clear project direction and will begin delivery from 2024 onwards.

Core targets

  • Develop safe outdoor amenity
  • Improve robust access to outdoor areas
  • Provide education and skill development

Woodland Management

Glenbarr is fortunate to be surrounded by abundance of mature woodlands.

With the aim of expanding our ownership, GCDA has established a 10-year woodland management plan after acquiring a small area of woodlands. Starting from early 2024, early project delivery has commenced and will continue to do so in the GCDA-owned woodlands.

Core targets

  • Introduce native species and biodiversity
  • Increase woodland accessibility
  • Provide volunteering opportunities

Investing in Glenbarr

Investing in our community is important to GCDA. From the onset of the recent cost of living crisis, we have been committed to providing assistance. Our investigations identified key areas of energy efficiency housing improvements that could be made with immediate and lasting impacts.

Initially, focus will be given to insulation, then shift to green energy solutions, potentially culminating in a community hydro scheme.

Core targets

  • Improve property energy efficiency
  • Increase green energy uptake
  • Reduce long-term living costs

Village Enhancement

Glenbarr is a quaint collection of just over sixty properties set against a beautiful rural backdrop.

Like many areas, Glenbarr has been affected by long-term local authority budget constraints and lack of direct management.

GCDA aims to address this by taking control. Regeneration, enhancement, and infrastructure will be our primary considerations, with project delivery starting in 2024.

Core targets

  • Appropriate regeneration of Glenbarr
  • Improve road safety in our catchment
  • Increase Glenbarr’s aesthetic appeal

Events programme

GCDA aims to provide social opportunity and cohesion for our residents. To improve well-being and reduce loneliness, we organise monthly Brew & Bleather sessions. Additionally, GCDA hosts dedicated summer, bonfire night, and Christmas events to promote inclusivity.

Beyond our resident event programme, GCDA is exploring opportunities to host events for a wider audience once we have suitable space available.

Core targets

  • Increase social cohesion & accessibility
  • Assist with community well-being
  • Build community ‘togetherness’

GCDA target projects that deliver on three core values


GCDA is planning for the future with sustainability at the heart of our project development, dedicated to fostering socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable projects. With a long-term mindset, we aim to promote initiatives that will continue thriving for future generations.

Community Benefit

At GCDA, community representation, benefit, and opportunity are our core values. We provide essential facilities to Glenbarr and the surrounding communities while prioritising initiatives that enhance social cohesion and well-being. We ensure all voices are heard and included through robust community consultations and project working groups. Residents are encouraged to get involved at various levels, influencing the ongoing direction of the association and project development.


Inclusivity is central to our organisation, operations, and project objectives. Our delivery structure encourages community involvement at multiple levels to help achieve our goals. Upon meeting our project objectives, we strive to ensure that new capital projects, regenerated areas, and developed outdoor spaces are appealing and widely used by both the local community and the broader population.

Want to know more about the team behind GCDA’s projects?