Our vision…
Building a better future for the village and communities of Glenbarr and surrounding areas.
Established in 2018 by the Glenbarr community, GCDA are focused on creating opportunity, improving infrastructure and introducing key new developments to Glenbarr village and surrounding areas.
With medium term funding secure, GCDA has established an experienced and highly competent executive team backed by an enthusiastic board and vibrant community tasked with project delivery.
Financially backed by an annual gift aid receipt from wind turbines overlooking Glenbarr village, we are taking a strategic and structured approach to long term sustainability, both socially and financially.
Putting numbers to GCDA’s progress…
Key stats highlighted
Size of combined team – board, executive and admin team
Expenditure budgeted to bring 5 year plan to fruition
Hectares of land currently owned by GCDA
With a 5 year strategic plan and budgets in place, GCDA are well placed to proceed with identified and targeted capital and regenerative projects to build a better future for Glenbarr village, surrounding areas and wider communities.
2023 progress report in brief
In addition to a significant amount of forward planning, GCDA hosted, and published results from our community consultation through which we established the foundations of our shared vision for project works and Glenbarr’s future.
Based on these results, GCDA began work on our 5 year strategic plan (published in early 2024) that will provide GCDA with clear understanding on long term objectives and budgets to bring our vision to realisation.
Leading on from this, GCDA became landowners for the first time, purchasing identified land and adjacent woodlands to allow early project site work to be planned in 2024 and beyond.
What is expected in 2024?
In addition to the launch of Glenbarr’s Household Improvement Project, GCDA have become landowners for the first time allowing early site developments to be targeted during 2024 and beyond.
With our executive team increasing from 1 to 3, GCDA are preparing to realise our 5 year strategic plan. With our desired executive team and strategic plan in place, 2024 will largely contain project development planning.
Further community consultation events are expected in late 2024 to align the Glenbarr community with the 5 year plan and establish community working groups to assist in the delivery of key projects.
Want to understand where GCDA are in our development timeline?
To learn more about where GCDA are heading, check out our…